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About LifeJourney International

LifeJourney International (LJI) is the Australian-based subsidiary of US based LifeJourney, Inc., based in Melbourne and in operation since 2016. LifeJourney's primary technology is a cloud-based software (SAAS) that introduces and inspires the next generation to pursue careers in STEM and Cyber via a multi-tiered interactive online and mobile app experience. The LifeJourney experience empowers students, their parents, and their schools to test-drive STEM and Cyber careers and learn directly from top industry and government professionals.

Our mission is to provide students across the nation the opportunity to learn about STEM and Cyber careers, develop new skills, and understand educational and career pathways to help them find their passion. LJI combines its unique software platform with a range of in-person engagement activities that bring STEM and Cyber careers to life for students. Engagement activities include in-school workshops, professional development for teachers, webinars for students and student conferences.


Rick Geritz - Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Phill Smith - President and Chief Operating Officer
Tim Edwards - Vice President, Strategic Partnerships
Alex Nazimok - Chief Technology Officer

ASD CyberEXP ( )

LifeJourney's programs including the ASD CyberEXP have reached tens of thousands of students, thousands of teachers and hundreds of schools in every state and territory of Australia.

The ASD CyberEXP is an interactive online cyber career experience and series of in-person and virtual engagement activities that introduce Australian students to careers in cyber security through the perspective of professionals working at the Australian Signals Directorate. The program was developed by LifeJourney in partnership with ASD and launched in 2018.

The program's goals are focused on building career awareness amongst Australian students and teachers about careers in cyber security, the skills and capabilities needed by the industry, and tertiary pathways in Australia. Reaching students in regional areas of Australia and engaging underrepresented groups in the technology field is a key goal of the program.

LifeJourney's programs including the ASD CyberEXP has reached tens of thousands of students, more than 3,500 teachers and hundreds of schools in every state and territory of Australia. The ASD CyberEXP has a focus on highlighting female role models from ASD and engaging young women in the cybersecurity field. The program is well-received by students with 84% of students finding the information useful and informative, and 73% of students finding the featured careers interesting.

The ASD CyberEXP program took home the "Highly Commended" recognition at the 2023 Australian Women in Security Awards for the Best Program For Young Individuals in Security category.


Phone: +61 424 477 592
Mailing Address: 140 William Street | Melbourne VIC 3000